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Living Information

Food Waste

  • 본문 인쇄
  • sns 공유 리스트 열기

Food Waste Mass Discharging Businesses

Table of comments and targets of business sites discharging large quantities of food waste;
Target Remarks
Collective meal dispensers: 100 or more recipients of meal per day on average
(200 or more recipients of meal per day on an average in the case of collective meal dispensing centers established in kindergartens according to the Early Childhood Education Act)
Excluding collective meal providers at social welfare facilities
Rest and general restaurants: 250 ㎡ or greater size of the business area Excluding fast food stores, coffee shops, liquor stores, and confectionery stores that manufacture/sell bread, rice cakes, sweets, and ice cream.
Large-scale stores: 3,000 ㎡ or more -
Agricultural and Fishery Products Wholesale Market, Agricultural and Fishery Products Market, and Agricultural and Marine Products Distribution Center -
Tourism and lodging business -


Report on the food waste generation control and treatment plan (within 1 month from the start of business)
  • 1 copy of the report on the food waste generation control and disposal plan: [Waste Management Act] Enforcement Regulations Annex Form 4-9
  • Related documents such as a copy of the consignment contract (in the case of consignment and recycling)
  • Submission to: Chilgok-gun Office Environmental Management Division
  • Prepare and preserve food waste management books: 2 years
  • Submission of annual results: the end of February of the following year
  • Report of change: within 1 month
    • In the case of the change in business name or place of business
    • When the method of controlling food waste generation, the person who handles food waste, or the treatment method is changed
    • When the number of representatives or target workplaces of the food waste co-treatment operation organization is changed(Only in the case of joint disposal of food waste)

A fine of up to 1 million won will be imposed for violations of the method of discharging food waste at a large-discharge business site.

Wet Waste (Other than food waste)

Table of non-food waste (general waste)
Vegetables Roots of chives/green onions, etc., pepper seeds, red pepper stems, corn stems, and peels of onions and garlic
Hard shells of walnuts/acorns, etc. and seeds of drupes such as peaches and apricots
Grain Chaff
Meat Hair and bones of cattle, pigs, chickens, etc.
Seafood Shells of clams/turban shells/abalone, shells of crustaceans such as crabs and crayfish, and fish bones
Others Egg shells, dregs of various teas, and dregs of herbal medicines

How to Reduce Food Waste

  • Purchase only the right amount of essential food with a planned diet.
  • Prepare and cook an appropriate amount of food.
  • Cook stews in an appropriate amount.
  • Eat a meal by using small tableware.
  • Clean the refrigerator regularly.
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