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Living Information

Household Waste

  • 본문 인쇄
  • sns 공유 리스트 열기

How to Dispose of Household Waste

Table of comments and targets of business sites discharging large quantities of food waste;
Category Flammable waste
(white envelopes)
Briquette ash
(transparent envelopes)
(transparent envelopes)
Food waste
(green envelopes)
Large waste
(stickers to be attached)
Discharge date Every day
(except Saturday)
Mon, Thu Sun, Mon, Thu Every day
(except Saturday)
Every day
(except Saturday)
Discharge time Sunset (18:00) to midnight
Discharge method
  1. Separate the recyclables
  2. Dispose of remaining garbage in a pay-as-you-go bag
Dispose of it in a gunny or a transparent bag
  1. Remove foreign substances
  2. Classify by item
  3. Tie or put in a transparent bag and discharge
  1. Remove moisture and foreign matter
  2. Put in a volume-based bag exclusively for food, and discharge into a collection container.
Discharge after attaching a sticker for large waste
  • Be sure to follow the discharging method and discharging time so that the waste can be collected.
  • Be sure to use the pay-as-you-go bags so that the waste can be collected.

Inquiries for Household Waste Collection

  • Environmental Management Division (☎979-6722) at Eup/Myeon Offices
  • Cleaning firms in charge of each region
Table of the agency area, business name, and telephone number related to the collection of household waste;
Service districts Company Tel.
Waegwan (other than Waegwan-ri), Jicheon, Dongmyeong, Gasan, Seokjeok, and Gisan Hanbit Hwangyeong 054)972-0773
Waegwan-ri, Buksam and Yakmok Sechang Hwangyeong 054)974-0733

Price for Pay-as-you-go bags for garbage

Table of sales prices by rectification, liter, related to the collection of household waste;
Type Size in liter Sale price
Per bag (won) Per bundle (20 bags)
Food 3ℓ 50won 1,000won
Food 5ℓ 70won 1,400won
Recycling of food 10ℓ 130won 2,600won
Recycling of flammables 20ℓ 250won 5,000won
Flammables 50ℓ 620won 12,400won
Flammables 100ℓ 1,230won 24,600won
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