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Change in Registration

  • 본문 인쇄
  • sns 공유 리스트 열기
변경등록내용입니다. 번호, 민원사무명, 분야, 근거법규, 민원설명, 접수방법,접수/처리의 항목에 대해 설명합니다.
Applicable laws
  • Article 11 of the Automobile Management Act
  • Automobile registration decree Article 22 (1) (Change Registration), Article 25 (1) (Inter-city Change Registration)
  • Vehicle Registration Rules Article 29 (1) (Registration Change), Article 31 (Inter-city Change Registration)
Outline When a change is made to the information on the vehicle registration register, such change must be indicated on the registration register.
  • Change of corporate (group) name and address: within 30 days from the date of the change
  • Change of vehicle registration number, etc.

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This table describes the reception/processing as the processing period, processing department, reception, and transit/consultation department.
Processing period Processing
Receipt Transit/consultation
Immediately Transport Administration Division Staffer in charge of registration at the Transport Administration Division
Required documents
  1. Identification card (if the car owner directly applies for it)
  2. Copy of the car owner's ID card, power of attorney (when applying by proxy)
  3. Corporate seal impression certificate, power of attorney, a copy of the business registration card (in the case of a corporation)
  4. Vehicle registration certificate
Related form

Change in registration document

[Appendix No. 11] Application for vehicle change registration

[Form 13] Application for change in registration between cities and provinces

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