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SOFA Vehicle Registration

  • 본문 인쇄
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SOFA 차량등록내용입니다. 번호, 민원사무명, 분야, 근거법규, 민원설명, 접수방법,접수/처리의 항목에 대해 설명합니다.
Applicable laws Article 5 of the Rules on Special Cases of Automobile Management
Outline This refers to the registration of vehicles owned by the USFK or their families in accordance with the provisions of Article 4 of the Mutual Defense Treaty and SOFA in Korea.

On mobile, you can move from side to side and see the contents (table).

This table describes the reception/processing as the processing period, processing department, reception, and transit/consultation department.
Processing period Processing
Receipt Transit/consultation
Immediately Transport Administration Division Staffer in charge of registration at the Transport Administration Division
Relevant forms

SOFA Vehicle Registration Procedure

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