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칠곡군 중문 포털

About Chilgok

Administrative Districts

  • 본문 인쇄
  • sns 공유 리스트 열기

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This table shows the entire administrative districts of Chilgok-gun in the order of city, county, town, town, village, village, village, village, natural village, and area.
City/ county No. of eup, myeon, and dong No. of tong and ri No. of ban No. natural towns Area (㎢)
Total Eup Myeon Total Tong Ri Ri as legally defined
Chilgok-gun 8 3 5 215 0 215 (73) 1,480 344 450.93
Waegwan-eup 1 1 49 49 (9) 424 43 54.12
Buksam-eup 1 1 34 34 (6) 264 30 36.73
Seokjeok-eup 1 1 36 36 (8) 344 39 49.70
Jicheon-myeon 1 1 23 23 (15) 96 72 88.84
Dongmyeong-myeon 1 1 16 16 (9) 64 48 64.04
Gasan-myeon 1 1 19 19 (12) 59 47 86.82
Yakmok-myeon 1 1 23 23 (7) 170 38 30.29
Gisan-myeon 1 1 15 15 (7) 59 27 40.39
※ The area of Chilgok County is the 20th largest out of 23 cities and counties in Gyeongsangbuk-do.
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