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칠곡군 중문 포털

About Chilgok

Natural Environment

  • 본문 인쇄
  • sns 공유 리스트 열기

Origin of the Name of Chilgok

Chilgok-gun is located in the southwestern part of Gyeongsangbuk-do, and is a key transport hub in the Yeongnam region, bordering Gunwi-gun and Daegu-si in the east, Gimcheon-si and Seongju-gun in the west, Daegu-si in the south, and Gumi-si in the north.

A table of Points of the compass, End points of longitude and latitude , and Extension distance.
Points of the compass End points of longitude and latitude Extension distance
Location name End points
East end Deokmyeong-ri, Dongmyeong-myeon 128˚ 38´ east longitude 27.30 ㎞ between east and west
22.69 ㎞ between south and north
West end Sungo-ri, Buksam-eup 128˚ 18´ east longitude
South end Geumnam-ri, Waegwan-eup 35˚ 52´ north latitude
North end Simgok-ri, Gasan-myeon 36˚ 07´ north latitude


  • Chilgok-gun accounts for 2.36% of the total area of Gyeongsangbuk-do. Of the total area of 450.93 ㎢, forests and fields represent the largest portion with 65.8%, and 15.5% or 69.8㎢ is used as arable land.


  • The climate of Chilgok-gun belongs to the southern inland type with a large difference between cold and warm temperatures and less rainfall. The annual average temperature is 14.4℃. The average in January is 1.1℃. The average in August is 26.4℃. Annual rainfall is about 672.2 ㎜.
Precipitation by year

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Annual Precipitation-Annual Table of Fields 2009-2013
Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Precipitation(㎜) 1,253.0 1,156.1 854.9 808.4 724.3 927.1 672.2
Climate Trend

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This is a table of fields from 2009-2015 for climate trends.
Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Temperature (℃) Average 14.3 14.1 15.0 14.0 14.4 14.6 14.4
Highest 35.5 37.2 37.9 37.4 38.3 38.1 38.4
Lowest -13.1 -13.1 -12.5 -8.6 -9.4 -13.0 -10.2
Sunny days 118 118 112 94 98 88 118


  • The Nakdong River flows north to south through the center of Chilgok-gun, and is standing to the east of Mt. Gasan (902 m), Mt. Yuhaksan (839 m), Mt. Hwanghaksan (714 m), Mt. Sohaksan (622 m), etc. The geology consists of sedimentary rocks of the Gyeongsang system, which is mainly made up of metamorphic rocks. Standing to the west of the Nakdong River are Mt. Geumosan (976 m), Mt. Yeongamsan (782 m), and Mt. Seojinsan (742 m). These mountains are made of granite gneiss from the Early Protozoic era. Wide alluvial plains have developed around the rivers.
  • For rivers, Palgeocheon and Ieoncheon flow south into the Geumho River. Also, Gyeonghocheon, Dumancheon, Seowoncheon, Hancheon, Gwangamcheon, etc. flow into the Nakdong River, forming alluvial areas.
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