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Chilgok, the city of patriotics and peace, which defended South Korea during the Korean War. 55-day stories that took place in Chilgok, the front line of the Nakdong River Defense Line."

Into the story of the Korean War

  • Open a story book
  • Unforgettable memory

Stories of the Korean War

  • Town seized by the North
  • Friends from Chilgok during those days
  • Precious smiles of friends

Transfer space - Time gate

  • Go to Chilgok in 1950

Chilgok Patriots & Peace Children's Commandos

  • Defend the frontline of Chilgok!
  • Defend the Nakdong River Line of Defence!

Hope Playground - Restore the town

  • Rebuild the collapsed building
  • Build a block house
  • Build a fence

Peace Playground - Share wishes of peace

  • Stable stepping stones of peace
  • I am a dove of peace
  • Beautiful Peace flower garden
  • Peace trees that we grow together
