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Chilgok, the city of patriotics and peace, which defended South Korea during the Korean War. 55-day stories that took place in Chilgok, the front line of the Nakdong River Defense Line."

Tracing back to the river of history

  • Time Tunnel
  • Nakdong River that have been sublimated into poems

Into the fire of the Korean War

  • Surprise attack and the fire of war
  • Rows of refugees, heading to the south

The Korean War and Nakdong River Defense Line

  • History of the Korean War
  • Last Bastion, the Nakdong River Defense Line
  • Unavoidable option, Blowing up the Weagwan railroad bridge

Weapons and Strategies of South and North Korea

  • Comparison of South and North Korea's military power in the beginning of the war
  • Strategies of the North Korean Army
  • Strategies of the South Korean and the UN Army
  • Guns aimed at their own people

The Nakdong River Defense Line, the desperate bloody battle lasting 55 days

  • The Cold War Era, Counterattack of the Free World
  • Records of the 55-day War in Chilgok
  • Allied by blood, Weagwan War and Commitment of U.S. troops
  • Desperate battle strewn with corpses and drenched with blood, the horrible frontline
  • Defend the Nakdong River Defense line, the last blocking line
  • The first tank battle of the Korean War, the Bowling Alley battle

Koreans' all-out battles

  • Koreans' all-out battles to protect the country
  • Combat police to save the country
  • Workers in Yuhak Mountain
  • Student soldiers and child soldiers

The Incheon Landing Operation and all-out counterattacks

  • Tatics of hammers and anvils, the Nakdong River line of defense, and the Incheon Landing Operation
  • The Incheon Landing Operation of the South Korean and the UN forces

The stalemate of the battle front and the truce agreement

  • Breaking through the 38th parallel and going north
  • Intervention of the Chinese forces and withdrawal
  • Re-counterattack of the South Korean and the UN forces, and battles
  • Truce negotiation and battles for frontlines

Unended war

  • North Korea's provocation against the South after singing the truce agreement
  • The warship Cheonan attacked by the North
  • The North's Shelling of Yeongyeong Island
  • Kwangmyongsong-3 and the Unha-3 rocket

Chilgok, the city of patriots and peace

  • Figures of Chilgok
  • The past and the present of Chilgok
  • Chilgok where wishes to save the country dwell
  • An eternal lamp that save our country
  • Patriotic messages
