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Chilgok Patriots & Peace Memorial is the place where you can feel and experience the meanings of those five words above with your five senses.

We Korea could turn the disadvantageous tide of the Korean War and seize the chance of victory through the Nakdong River Line of Defense Battle for 55 days, which was the last defense line against North Korean forces' attacks during the Korean War.

Not only to appreciate those who sacrifice themselves to defend South Korea's liberty and peace in the Nakdong River Battle but also to inherit and develop their patriotic spirits, we built this Chilgok Patriots & Peace Memorial.

We plan to connect this place with nearby tourist attractions and develop this memorial from an experience center for patriotism and security into a tourist attraction and a place for healing, so that we can enhance the value of this area for which our deceased patriots fought.

We hope to get a lot of support from you.
Thank you.

Governor of Chilgok Jaewook Kim
